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Hauling For Haynes

Use the Fast Weigh Mobile App to view active dispatches, haul on those dispatches, create or receive dispatch tickets, and get notifications for new dispatch assignments.

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How to Haul for Haynes


App Setup

Where do I get my Fast Weigh Mobile Trucking Login?

The Scale House Operator will provide you with your Device ID and Device Pin prior to Hauling. When logging onto the Fast Weigh Mobile App for the first time, you will have to enter Customer ID: Haynes and Customer Pin: 2323

What app do I use and where do I download the app?

When Hauling for Haynes you will use the Fast Weigh Manage App; download the app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.

What are the Correct Setting for the Fast Weigh Mobile App?

To ensure that all features on the Fast Weigh Mobile App work properly; confirm your app settings are configured as follows.

Turned on: Use Picture (POD), Require Picture (POD), Use Signature (Ticket), Allow Exp. Lic/Ins

Turned off: Lock Settings, Use Multi Mode, Use Picture (Ticket), Require Signature (Ticket), Use Signature (POD), Phase/cost updates, Print Ticket 

Using the App

What can I see on the Fast Weigh Mobile App as a hauler?

Once you have logged into your account, clocked in, and synced your app you will be able to see active dispatches, haul on those dispatches, create or receive dispatch tickets, and get notifications for new dispatches. 

Where do I view my active dispatches?

Once you log-in you will viewing your active dispatches in order of priority. It is crucial to select the First Priority Dispatch from your list. 

Why can I not find my Dispatch Assignments after logging in?

Synch your App once you first log-in and periodically to view any updated dispatch assignments. 

When and How do I provide Proof of Delivery? 

After you selected ‘Deliver Load’, Choose the ticket from the list that matches your dispatch. You will be prompted provide Proof of Delivery, by selecting the Camera Icon, taking a picture of the dropped load, tap ‘OK’, and Save by tapping the icon in the upper right-hand corner. You have now provided Proof Of Delivery for your Dispatch. 

I have finished my dispatch assignment, what now? 

If you are hauling another load for the same job, select ‘Pick-up Load’. If you are hauling for a different job, select ‘Stop Hauling’ and then select the new assignment from the Active Dispatch List. 

I started hauling for an incorrect dispatch and an unable to Stop Hauling, what do I do?

When viewing the Dispatch Detail of the incorrect dispatch, select ‘Cancel Load’ in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen to cancel the load. Now that the load is cancelled, you can select ‘Stop Hauling’, and go back to your Dispatch Assignment List. 

Are there are helpful tips while using the Fast Weigh Mobile App?

Using the Kiosk

How do I use the Automated Kiosk as a Hauler?

Swipe your RFID Card at Kiosk, Click the Dispatch Box, Choose your Request, Confirm the details that appear on screen (Truck, Customer, Order, Product), and Click Create Ticket. Your ticket will print and you are free to exit the scale. If you would like to reprint your ticket, click the “Re-Print Last” Button on the screen.

What if the location I am hauling out of does not have an Automated Kiosk?

There may be specific scenarios when Haulers create their own tickets on Delivery. You will be notified if you dispatch falls into this category prior to hauling.

After you select pick up load in the Fast Weigh Mobile App, you will be prompted to enter the quantity provided by the load operator and add your signature, tap create Load Ticket and head to delivery designation. At the time of delivery, tap delivery load and continue with the Proof of Delivery steps.


With any questions, comments or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out! Get in contact with a Haynes team member by Chatting Online, sending an email to saleshelp@haynesmaterials.com, or calling 203-888-8165.